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 General Guild Info

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Guild Leader
Guild Leader

Posts : 241
Join date : 2009-07-10

General Guild Info Empty
PostSubject: General Guild Info   General Guild Info EmptySun Jul 12, 2009 4:09 am

Attitude: We don't like the atmosphere most of the larger hardcore guilds foster. So what we are doing is sticking to a smaller format for several reasons. We are looking to create a guild in which everyone knows everyone and we are bringing the same people to raid week in and week out. In doing this several things will happen. We will gear up quicker becuase we will not have new faces, and in some cases undergeared, each week. You will get experence playing farm status fights with the same people you will be learning new fights with. And hopefully because you know your guildies and you raid with the same ones every week you will have a better overall experence. Because in the end, this is a game. We're here to have fun not work, we have jobs for that. So if you're looking for a close knit guild focused on 10 man content and overall fun, drop us a line...there may be a place for you!

Requirements: Level 80 - we're not a leveling guild.
Attitude/outlook that falls in line with the afor mentioned.
Ventrilo - no mic required, but recomended. Ability to hear is required.
Having Updated DBM(Deadly Boss Mods) installed and active.
The ability to learn fights and LISTEN to what you're told.
Able to attend all raids. This doesn't mean you can NEVER miss a raid, we all do...we have lives... but this means if you're just not in the mood to show up a week then you might want to look at a larger guild.

Mandatory Raid Times:
N/A - Guild Is Currently On Break Till Cataclysm

Non Mandatory Raid Times:
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